Monday, July 5, 2010

montparnasse and sangria

I'm extremely tired from walking all day and it's 2 am and I have to be in Montmartre at 11:30 tomorrow morning and I have to go to the Tabac and the bank before that so this is going to be a really short post. Whew.

I'll update tomorrow though.

Basically, today I:

met my professor for un cafe et croissant at the famous literary cafe Les Deux Magots at le Place Saint-Germain des Pres
went to class on rue des sevres (which was actually super interesting and quite painless! minus the girl with the Ph.D. who is in our class. why are you here, i ask!)
ate lunch with all my classmates and had a german beer with peach syrup. super delish!
walked to the invalides district with paolo, this awesome brazilian guy in my class, and then went to fnac and then went to montparnasse and tried to see hte cemetery but it was closed so we just kept walking, but walking is my favorite thing to do in paris so we just did that and it was awesome!
went home, died a little bit from my sore feet, ate dinner with my host family
went out at 10:30 and met my friends in saint-germain
went to this awesome sangria bar and just chilled and laughed with my friends until the metros start to close at 12:30.

a really great day! cant wait for tomorrow

oh and no pictures. im lazy


  1. love you. Life sounds good. Kat is experiencing major travel-abroad envy. Be safe! Love, MOM

  2. Elena - You're probably already in Montmarte enjoying this great area. Hope you made it to the amazing restaurant and enjoyed yourself.

  3. Amazing Brazilian guy...sounds like a great trip so far to me!!! Love Aunt Lisa
