Sunday, August 1, 2010

haute cuisine chez anna

I've been sick with a cold all day (a terrible way to start off my last week in Paris, I know), but I had a wonderful day yesterday/last night. I woke up late after a late night of clubbing, so I got up and went to the Marais where I ate a sort of oniony pastry (fresh from the oven) from a Jewish bakery and went shopping. I went into millions of awesome boutiques and clothing stores, but nothing really jumped out at me.

At around 5, I met Anna near Les Halles and we went up Rue Montorgeuil to buy foodstuff for dinner. It's a great market street, full of fresh produce stores, boulangeries, fromageries, boucheries, and epiceries. We bought tons of veggies, chevre, burrata cheese, basil, fresh bread, and more. We walked back to her house and cooked an AMAZING meal of green salad with fennel, avocado, tomato, basil; caprese salad with tomato, buratta cheese, and basil; sauteed haricots verts with shallots; and tartines (open faced baked sandwiches) with special Poilane (my fave boulangerie) bread and chevre. We also had these special gourmet olives that we had bought to munch on. Our friend Kenneth arrived with wine and dessert. He had bought an amazing lemon meringue pie at a nearby patisserie. We stuffed ourselves with food and wine and cake and were dying to lapse into a long food coma when our friends Maria, Ariel, and Kelly came by to pregame for a night out clubbing.

So, we prettied ourselves up and went out to an awesome club (well really it's more of a bar with a dance floor) called Kong, that had once been featured on Sex and the City. It was somewhat posh, but still really fun and nearly everyone was dancing by 1. We split a cab back to Anna's at around 3:30, and I was asleep by 4!

It was a great, albeit long day, and I hope the rest of my week will be equally eventful! Also, now that I rested today, I'm hoping I'll get better soon so I can really enjoy my week. I've drank nearly a quart of orange juice, so hopefully that will help......

I only wish they had Airborne in France!

Our lovely spread. 

Up close and personal with the buratta cheese. It was the night's surprise winner, because we bought it on a whim at the last minute. We actually went to a second fromagerie just to grab some.

Anna and our dessert. Doesn't the pie look delish??? 


  1. Yummy! Such a genuine post. Get well so you can enjoy these last few days in Paris. Speak LOTS of French and enjoy!

    Love and miss you,

  2. Elena - Looks delicious! Hope you feel better soon and don't forget to go to Chez Omar in the Marais before you leave. Love you!

    Aunt Pam

    P.S. Have a nutella crepe for us in Luxembourg Park before you leave too!

  3. Sounds like you are having a grand time. Eat, drink and be happy, as they say. Hope you get well right away. Flying home with a cold will not be fun. Your Buela and I had a good time with your folks and sister at El Tec, tonight.
    Love you, Grandpa
